People everywhere, that have access to the internet, are connected to everyone else all over the world. Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest and even Blogs, like this one, help connect people that have the same interests, friend and family. Social media sites can be for personal use or business and advertising. However, the most important part is that through the internet and these social networking sites is that it keeps everyone connected in some way. During natural disasters the internet has been proven useful for people to check on their family members to make sure they are okay
I have learned that being connected is important because communication is the key to... everything. The internet keeps us connected to family members during emergencies and disasters, which is very important. I didn't realize this until I wrote it just now. I guess you can say that, that is what I learned.
Being connected it also important for people that are far away from home. I never thought about using it to stay connected through disasters though. Good insite.